I got up and it was cold. My motorcycle cover had frost on it as did all the other vehicles around the hotel. I saw a grizzly bear, bull moose, musk ox and a caribou. There was snow in the mountain pass but not on the road. It didn’t snow or rain all day. The last 40 miles were full of potholes filled with water: just plain rough road. As it was a mostly sunny day, I took pictures around Prudhoe Bay and Dead horse. I also bought some souvenirs. I stayed in the Aurora Hotel a beautiful place. You had to wear blue booties or covers over your shoes so as not to track mud around the hotel and onto the rug. They provided three meals for the stay in the hotel. There were a lot of people curious about my trip up to Prudhoe Bay and the condition of the road.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
27 August 2009, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
I got up and it was cold. My motorcycle cover had frost on it as did all the other vehicles around the hotel. I saw a grizzly bear, bull moose, musk ox and a caribou. There was snow in the mountain pass but not on the road. It didn’t snow or rain all day. The last 40 miles were full of potholes filled with water: just plain rough road. As it was a mostly sunny day, I took pictures around Prudhoe Bay and Dead horse. I also bought some souvenirs. I stayed in the Aurora Hotel a beautiful place. You had to wear blue booties or covers over your shoes so as not to track mud around the hotel and onto the rug. They provided three meals for the stay in the hotel. There were a lot of people curious about my trip up to Prudhoe Bay and the condition of the road.
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