Tuesday, July 14, 2009

9 July 2009 Irkutsk, Russia

Today is a mental health day. I’m doing some serious lying around. I’ll send some more e-mails later in the day and do some route planning. I need to get Matilda up to speed so she can get me out of Irkutsk without getting me lost. I also am going to take a walk along the river to see what this town looks like. The walk along the river was pretty much like walking around any one of the lakes in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area. I bought a submarine sandwich for supper and walked back to the hotel. I decided to do some laundry and washed the clothes I had on. I used the shower tub. It’s about 1 yd/1 meter square and about 6 inches/16 centimeters deep. I taped the drain shut with gorilla tape and filled it with soap and water. Rub-a-dub-dub and my clothes were washed. I rinsed them in the sink, rolled them in towels, stood on the towels to press the water out of the clothes and hung them up to dry in my room with the fan blowing on them. I removed the gorilla tape from the drain and the water ran out. I couldn’t believe it: the bottom of the white porcelain tub was brown. I figure the brown dust or dirt must have come out of my socks. None of my other clothes are exposed to dust or dirt like that. Anyway, my clothes were cleaner and probably smelled better. I went to bed.

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